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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Only texts that comply with the "Editorial Policy", with the "Technical Rules" addressed to authors and with these guidelines will be considered for publication:

1. Only original and unpublished works written in Spanish or English will be received. A work will be considered original when it does not contain a copy or imitation of others, but is the result of the author's spontaneous creation; In turn, the work will be unpublished when it has not been previously published, both in print and electronically, or, if it contains fragments that partially reproduce already published ideas, it must develop a new approach and represent a valuable contribution.

Likewise, translations into Spanish of texts written in another language will be published, provided they are the first and have the prior authorization of the author and the publisher.

2. The works must be subject to the extension indicated below:

Doctrine: 15-30 pages

Studies:15-30 pages

Jurisprudential Comments: 5-15 pages

Reviews: 2-5 pages

Others: 2-5 pages

3. The file that includes the work will be sent in accordance with the times included in the Ex Legibus calls, which are available on the journal's internet portal, through the OJS platform: https://exlegibus.pjedomex following the steps indicated in the information for authors. Likewise, it can be sent by email:

4. To request the publication of their work, the authors must send to the email the Letter of originality and transfer of rights, signed in an autograph.

The format of this Letter is integrated for download and due filling in the microsite of the magazine, at:

5. Without exception, the works sent to Ex Legibus will be submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software, which analyzes them and compares their content with that of thousands of web pages, generating a similarity report that contains a percentage as well as the list of the websites found to match the job in question.

In case of detection of plagiarism, the author will be notified and the article will be rejected for publication.

In the event that the author uses a previous work published by himself, it must also be duly referenced.

6. Regarding the arbitration system, only the papers sent to the Studies and Doctrine sections will be reviewed by two external evaluators anonymously (i.e. double-blind modality). The author's identity will also be kept confidential.

7. The contributions sent to the other sections of the magazine, that is, Jurisprudential Comments, Reviews and Miscellaneous, will be evaluated by the editorial team of the Center for Judicial Research and may be published, once it is considered that they conform to what establishes the "Editorial Policy", as well as the "Technical Rules" and "Instructions for authors".

8. The evaluation process of the articles in the Studies and Doctrine section will result in an opinion that, considering the originality, the quality of the work and its approach in relation to law and the jurisdictional function, may consist of any of the following modalities:

Positive: if both evaluators issue a favorable opinion.
Not positive: if both evaluators issue an unfavorable opinion.
Positive with changes: if one or both evaluators give a favorable opinion, but suggest modifications.

In the event that an evaluator issues a positive and a negative opinion, a third evaluator will be used, whose decision will be final.

The evaluators will have a maximum of 15 business days to present their opinion to the Directorate of the Center for Judicial Investigations.

9. The result of the opinion will invariably be communicated to the authors.

If the opinion is positive with changes, the author will have a period of 15 business days to make the indicated adjustments; then you must send the corrected work to the journal's email, and the editorial team will verify if the new version satisfactorily incorporates the comments of the evaluators, in which case it will proceed to its publication. Otherwise, the evaluation process will end and the work will be discarded.

When the result of the opinion is positive, the work will be published in the order in which it was received.

10. Ex Legibus does not request any type of charge for receiving, editing, publishing or downloading articles. Neither will any remuneration be granted for the publication or sending of the works.

Each author will receive five copies of the issue of the Journal in which their contribution has been published.

11. The "Technical Rules" for the presentation of works are mandatory. Footer citations must comply with these standards. The omission or error in the citation of the texts used or reproduced in a work published in Ex Legibus will be the sole responsibility of the person who signed the work.

12. Ex Legibus will make the typographic and format adjustments that are necessary for the edition of the texts, respecting at all times the style and intention of the author.

13. The opinions expressed in the works that are published will be the sole responsibility of the authors and will not be considered a reflection of the institutional position.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.