Protection of Workers and Human Rights: Decent or Worthy Work


  • Rafael Adrián Avante Juárez Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados


Right to labor, corporate responsibility, damage repair


The right to decent work established in the Political Constitution of Mexico recognizes labor as a fundamental human right. Much had to happen in the historical evolution so that finally the right to work in decent conditions has ceased to be aspirational and today is enforceable. Currently, there are national and international references that allow the materialization of the scope of the term ‘worthy’; however, even when complying with labor regulations is a necessary condition, it is not sufficient in order to safeguard the extension of the content of dignity, because there are aspects of it that transcend the literal nature of the Law. Decent work as a fundamental right is not only susceptible to being violated by the authorities, it can also be disrupted by individuals, and, like any violation of human rights, this transgression must be corrected, repaired, and prosecuted. Since it is legally protected, decent work must be supervised by both the jurisdictional and administrative authorities. As a whole, these institutions have the responsibility to safeguard this fundamental precept and, in the case of violations, they must enforce the restitution of the right and the repair of the damage.


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Author Biography

Rafael Adrián Avante Juárez, Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados

Egresado con mención especial de la Licenciatura en Derecho por la Escuela Libre de Derecho, Maestro en Derecho por la UNAM y miembro del Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados desde 1998. Se ha desempeñado en diversos cargos en el sector público federal como Subsecretario de Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Gobernación, Subsecretario de Trabajo y Director General de Inspección en la Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social, y ha prestado su servicios en la Secretaría de Bienestar, la Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros, la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor y en la Cámara de Diputados del H. Congreso de la Unión. Actualmente es Presidente y Fundador de la Consultora “Avante Asesoría Integral”.



How to Cite

Avante Juárez, R. A. (2021). Protection of Workers and Human Rights: Decent or Worthy Work. Poder Judicial Del Estado De México, Escuela Judicial Del Estado De México, (11), 437-466. Retrieved from


