Code of ethics



1. Objectives

Establish a framework of values, principles and desirable behaviors, which serve as a reference for the behavior of the editorial bodies, authors who publish in the Ex Legibus magazine, as well as any person involved or with a position of responsibility in it, in order to to guarantee the practice of editorial work in all its stages through the highest standards of quality, honesty, rectitude and originality.

Likewise, to prevent all those irregular actions that denigrate the processes of editing, opinion and publication of the articles of the Ex Legibus magazine of the Center for Judicial Investigations of the Judicial School of the State of Mexico.

2. Scope of application.

The provisions of this Code of Ethics are mandatory for all persons in positions of responsibility in the Ex Legibus journal, those who participate in the editorial process, and for the authors who wish to publish in it.

3. Glossary

For the purposes of this Code, as appropriate, it shall be understood as:

I. Author: person who creates a work.

II. Editorial Board: body made up of specialists in legal sciences. Its purpose is to define the editorial guidelines, analyze the works for publication, assign the appropriate reviewers for each article, as well as propose continuous improvements for the proper development of the journal.

III. Reviewer: specialist in the area, whose function is to verify the work submitted for publication, and issue an objective opinion of acceptance or not regarding its publication, as well as the modifications, if any, are necessary.

IV. Editor: person responsible for directing, caring for, and supervising the academic quality of the papers submitted for publication.

V. Editorial team: made up of the staff of the Center for Judicial Investigations of the Judicial School of the State of Mexico, who are in charge of editing care (technical review process) of the periodical work.

4. Principles

All activities inherent to the Ex Legibus magazine must be subject to the following principles:

I. Honesty: Carry out the corresponding work with probity and rectitude, respecting the values ​​of justice and truth.

II. Confidentiality: Guarantee that the data provided by the author is used in strict confidentiality.

III. Responsibility: Respond in accordance with the duties and commitments acquired, assuming the consequences of the acts that result from the decisions made.

IV. Integrity: Acting according to the ideas that are manifested. Do what is due with honesty, rectitude and good faith.

V. Objectivity: Act based on objective criteria, making decisions related to the work under consideration and not with the people involved, nor with personal feelings.

VI. Impartiality: Make decisions with complete neutrality, eliminating any tendency in favor or against a person or work when carrying out its review.

5. Responsibilities of the authors

Authors who wish to publish their work in Ex Legibus must diligently adhere to the following responsibilities:

I. Know everything related to the theme of Ex Legibus, the Call, Editorial Policy, Guidelines for authors and Technical Rules.

II. Submit an original work.

II. The footnotes, as well as the consulted bibliography, must be specified in all honesty, avoiding falling into bad practices.

IV. The information consulted for the preparation of the article must come only from reliable and trustworthy sources.

V. Not postulate the document simultaneously in another editorial entity.

VI. In the event that the reviewers request corrections to the work, make them in a timely manner.

VII. Know and accept, by signing the Letter of assignment of rights and originality, the intellectual property conditions to which your article is submitted if it is published.

VIII. In the event that an author discovers an error in the written document submitted, he must immediately notify the editor to rectify it as soon as possible.

IX. In works carried out in co-authorship, each one of the authors must sign the Letter of assignment of rights and originality, as well as having full knowledge of the final version of the work that, if applicable, will be published.

X. To all the previous responsibilities are added those contained in the Letter of Assignment of rights and originality.

6.Responsibilities of the reviewers

The Ex Legibus adjudicators undertake the following:

I. Observe the ethical values ​​that govern this Code.

II. Conduct yourself with objectivity and impartiality in the work under your responsibility.

III. Respect the works, avoiding modifying them.

IV. Carry out quality reviews, with effective contributions that aim to guide the neatness of the work.

V. Give respectful feedback to the work and the author.

VI. Check the footnotes and sources consulted.

VII. Provide support to the author in a reliable manner.

VIII. Make use of any of the software indicated in the "Editorial Policy" of the magazine, in an auxiliary way to your review work.

IX. Stick to the opinion format to issue your opinion.

7. Unacceptable practices

The following are intolerable practices for the Ex Legibus magazine:

I. Plagiarism

II. Falsification of information

III. Simultaneous posts

IV. Conflict of interests

In order to avoid unacceptable practices for the publication of works, authors are invited to read the Editorial Policy, the Technical Rules and the Guidelines for Authors.

8. Declaration of non-plagiarism.

It is necessary that each source consulted in the work to be presented is duly referenced.

Without exception, the works sent to Ex Legibus will be submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software, which performs an analysis and compares its content with that of thousands of web pages, generating a report that contains a percentage of similarity, as well as a list of the websites found to match the job in question.

In case of detection of plagiarism, the author will be notified and the article will be rejected for publication.

In the event that the author uses a previous work published by himself, it must also be duly referenced.

In addition, the authors must sign the Letter of Originality, in which a declaration of non-plagiarism is made.

9. Conflict of interests

Conflict of interest is understood as the circumstance in which there is a collision between the personal interests of the author, reviewer or any person with a position of responsibility in the journal, and their responsibilities in relation to the actions they carry out and that may affect in the objectivity and honesty of the decisions and acts under his responsibility.

Conflict of interest entails the duty to abstain in decision-making.

These situations should be reported to the Editor of the magazine, who will submit them to the Editorial Board for their best resolution.

Likewise, any person who participates in Ex Legibus, whether as an author, reviewer, member of the Editorial Board, or another person with a position of responsibility, is requested that, in the event of a conflict of interest, this is manifested in advance in order to take the necessary actions.