Editorial Policy


The Ex Legibus Magazine, edited by the Judiciary of the State of Mexico, through the Judicial Research Center of the Judicial School, is a semi-annual publication of a scientific nature that addresses issues related to judicial law and other legal matters; Its objective is to generate institutionalized and quality research in the field of administration and administration of justice, as well as to encourage analysis, debate and reflection on these issues, seeking their connection with the jurisdictional function.


The Ex Legibus Magazine has the following sections:

I. DOCTRINE. It is made up of the set of original articles that deal with the same guiding theme, which will be specified in the corresponding call. The length of each article should be from 15 to 30 pages.

II. STUDIES. It is made up of the set of original articles that deal with topics other than those specified in the call, provided they are considered relevant to the law and/or the jurisdictional function. The length of each article should be from 15 to 30 pages.

III. JURISPRUDENTIAL COMMENTS. It is made up of short texts that contain a critical and judicious analysis of the jurisprudence of the country's courts, whether local or federal. The length of each comment should be from 5 to 15 pages.

IV. REVIEWS. It is made up of short texts that analyze a recently published legal work. Except in exceptional cases (i.e. works of historical or cultural significance), the publication date of the reviewed material must correspond to the year of publication of the issue of the magazine or to the immediately preceding year. The length of each review should be from 2 to 5 pages.

V. VARIOUS. It is made up of all those brief works of legal or cultural interest that do not correspond to the description in any of the previous sections. The extension of each work should be from 2 to 5 pages.


Only texts that comply with this "Editorial Policy", with the "Technical Rules" and with the "Guidelines for authors" will be considered for publication. All this information can be consulted at any time through the Ex Legibus Magazine microsite:



Ex Legibus is a free access publication, consultable online through the website of the Judicial School of the State of Mexico: www.pjedomex.gob.mx/ejem/

Once an article is accepted for publication, the authors will assign the rights of their text to Ex Legibus, through the autograph signature of the Letter of originality and assignment of rights. In case of co-authorship, each one of the authors must sign said Letter. The works will be registered with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, type CC-BY-NC-ND, which allows third parties to use the publication as long as they mention the authorship of the work and that it was published for the first time in Ex Legibus .


The articles that make up the Studies section will be reviewed by two external evaluators, specialists in the field, anonymously (double-blind mode), who will follow the guidelines established in the "Review Format". The identity of the author will also remain anonymous.

The evaluation process will result in an opinion, considering the adherence to ethics, originality, quality of the work, and its approach in relation to the jurisdictional function or its relevance in legal science.

The Editor responsible for the Journal reserves the right to reject those works that do not comply with the "Guidelines for authors", "Technical Rules", and the "Code of Ethics", or that do not constitute relevant contributions to the field of right.


The Ex Legibus Magazine is published twice a year.


  • Juan Carlos Abreu y Abreu

Poder Judicial del Estado de México

  • José Dolores Alanis Tavira

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

  • Rodrigo Brito Melgarejo

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • José Antonio Estrada Marún

Academia Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

  • Rafael Estrada Michel

Poder Judicial del Estado de México

  • Fabiola Martínez Ramírez

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • José Ramón Narváez Hernández

Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación 


The purpose of this Code is to regulate the exercise and function of the editorial bodies, of the authors who publish in the Journal, as well as of any person involved or with a position of responsibility in it.

You can find it at the following link:



One of the main objectives of Ex Legibus is to promote research under ethical principles, for this reason it is an essential requirement for authors to sign the Letter of originality and assignment of rights; in which it is stated that the proposed work is original, unpublished and that in its preparation the authors adhered to the Code of Ethics.

Observance of the Ex Legibus Code of Ethics is a fundamental part of its operation, under which all those who participate in the Magazine must submit.

Likewise, the works are evaluated with all dedication and care, and examined in the double-blind modality by the reviewers, who do not tolerate plagiarism, or any other practice that denotes a lack of ethics.

The Ex Legibus reviewers know that each work must be exhaustively reviewed and evaluated, since it is essential that each publication be of quality and offer the reader the certainty of what is being consulted, so that the originality and ethics of the articles , are fundamental pillars of the Magazine.

It is necessary that each source consulted in the work to be presented is duly referenced.

Without exception, the works sent to Ex Legibus will be submitted to the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software, which performs an analysis and compares its content with that of thousands of web pages, generating a report that contains a percentage of similarity, as well as a list of the websites found to match the job in question.

In case of detection of plagiarism, the author will be notified and the article will be rejected for publication.

In the event that the author uses a previous work published by himself, it must also be duly referenced.

In addition, the authors must sign the Letter of Originality, in which a declaration of non-plagiarism is made.

All of the above with the intention of safeguarding academic integrity in the works that are presented.


CONTACT. For any questions or comments about this document, the following email is made available to users: legibus@pjedomex.gob.mx