Conduct of the Parties Within the Intestacy Dispute in the Light of the Principle of Reasonable Time


  • Elias Jiménez González Escuela Judicial del Estado de México


Access to justice, due process, reasonable time, intestate succession, mediation


With the recognition of the contentious jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights approved by the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico on 1 December 1998 and the Constitutional reform of 10 June 2011, both the Inter-American jurisprudence and the international treaties oblige the State to respect human rights and the universal principles such as reasonable force time. The use of the systematic and analytical methodology in the cases submitted to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights represents, for the author, an exercise in which the integrating elements of the principle in question stand out. The detection of fraud and bad faith in the conduct of the parties within the development of special trials represents a serious problem that threatens the principle of reasonable time, since, in many cases, an inheritance dispute is not as complex as it could appear. However, it is the obligation of the local judges to do what is legally possible to find the best course of the process and issue a prompt resolution, even making use of conciliation.


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Author Biography

Elias Jiménez González, Escuela Judicial del Estado de México

Licenciado en Derecho, Centro Universitario de Ixtlahuaca (CUI), ahora Universidad Ixtlahuaca. Diplomado en Derechos Humanos por el Centro Estratégico en Justicia y Derecho para las Américas, A.C. (CENEJYD). Especialidad en Derecho Procesal, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Maestrante en Derechos Humanos, por la Escuela Judicial del Estado de México. Oficial Judicial y Secretario en el Juzgado Cuarto de Distrito A, en las materias de Procesos Penales Federales, Amparo y Juicios Civiles Federales, Poder Judicial de la Federación. Archivista, Técnico Judicial, Notificador y Secretario (comisionado) en el Tribunal Superior de Justicia del Estado de México. Correo:



How to Cite

Jiménez González, E. (2021). Conduct of the Parties Within the Intestacy Dispute in the Light of the Principle of Reasonable Time. Poder Judicial Del Estado De México, Escuela Judicial Del Estado De México, (13), 155-174. Retrieved from


