
  • Marco Antonio Miramón Vilchis Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


social reinsertion, education, work, reintegration, renovation


The research that is shared considers social reintegration in light of the parameters outlined in article 18, second paragraph, of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the National Law of Criminal Execution. The reflection reveals the difficulty of the released person to reintegrate into society, since work and penal education empower secondary aspects, such as productivity and the market economy, areas that contribute little to restoration and social reintegration. The current penitentiary policy does not view the sentenced person as an active being, capable of committing to his rehabilitation and of carrying out his return to society on his own. From the prison perspective, the prisoner is a passive being, waiting for the modification of his behavior, an action that violates dignity and human rights. For this reason, the article presented proposes restorative justice as the basis of the organization, administration and operation of the penitentiary regime. Through the restorative process it is possible to finally achieve the reintegration of the released person into the social nucleus.


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Author Biography

Marco Antonio Miramón Vilchis, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Candidato a doctor en Humanidades: Filosofía Contemporánea, por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Ha publicado en las revistas: La Colmena, UAEMex e IUS COMITIALIS. Ha impartido clases en la Universidad del Valle de México y en el Instituto Universitario del Estado de México. Se dedica a la docencia y a la investigación filosófico-jurídica. ORCID:



How to Cite

Miramón Vilchis, M. A. . (2024). SOCIAL REINSERTION, FOR WHAT?. Poder Judicial Del Estado De México, Escuela Judicial Del Estado De México, 20(20). Retrieved from