The Ex Legibus Law magazine edited by the Judiciary of the State of Mexico through the Judicial School of the State of Mexico, is a semi-annual publication of a scientific nature that addresses issues related to judicial Law and other branches of legal science.

Its purpose is to encourage analysis, debate, and reflection on these issues, seeking their connection with the jurisdictional function and the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of society.

Its contents are aimed at justice operators, researchers, teachers, lawyers and students of legal science at all levels.

The Ex Legibus magazine is published twice a year, in print and online, (printed ISSN: 2594-2018; electronic ISSN: 2954-4807). The papers received are subjected to a peer review process, through the double-blind method, The arbitration process is carried out by academic experts in the field, and together with the editors and the editorial team of Ex Legibus, the decision is made on the feasibility of publishing each article.

Ex Legibus is an open access journal, all its contents are freely available to the public; which are permanently available to facilitate reading and downloading under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, type CC-BY-NC-ND, make use of its contents in a non-commercial way, as long as credit is given the author and the work.

Ex Legibus does not request any type of payment for receiving, editing, publishing or downloading articles.